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Volunteer Opportunities 

Friends of Chamber Music has recently restructured its Board of Directors and is seeking members to assist with the committees and positions listed below.   The Program Committee is beginning work on our 25th Season, while our Publicity Committee is both getting the word out about the 24th Season and looking ahead to our quarter-century celebration.  If you can think of other ways you'd like to help, please let us know—volunteers are always gratefully welcomed.

Program Committee

The Program Committee nominates performers for each upcoming season, collaborates with other organizations; obtains photos, information and translations from agents; finds venues, and transmits this all this information to the other committees, among other duties.   In addition to needing general members of the committee, they are looking for:

  • a Musician Logistics Manager who will provide local transportation by volunteer if possible or hire if not; work with the Outreach/Education Committee to furnish directions or an escort to outreach, interview, rehearsal and concert sites; coordinate meals and snacks while the musicians are in town; and arrange for the concert introducer to welcome the audience & provide directions for completing the ACBV surveys.  Of course, any of these duties can be shared with anyone who will help.

  • Translators who can communicate with the musicians in their native languages.   While each group has at least one member proficient in English as a second language, it is nice for them to be able to take a break and speak to someone in their native languages while they are here.  This season, we still need Italian speakers; we are fortunate to have already found Portuguese speakers, but the more, the merrier!

Volunteer Coordinator

The Volunteer Coordinator recruits and coordinates volun-teers so that the various Committees aren't stepping on each other's toes or annoying recruiting sources because they don't know that someone else was just there.  The Coordinator helps new volunteers find where they will fit best and can be of the most use and is in charge of making our wonderful volunteers feel as appreciated as they are.  As a Board Member, this position participates fully in the management of FCM so the Volunteer Coordinator has the overall view of the needs of the organization.  

  • If you are a brilliant recruiter and/or have lots of friends you'd like to put to work, but don't feel ready for a Board position, please volunteer to be the Assistant Volunteer Coordinator--there's plenty of work to go around.

Publicity Committee

The Publicity Committee presents the face of FCM to the public including print, electronic and broadcast media.  In addition to always needing bright individuals to help us strategize how to reach new audience members and implement those strategies, we need:

  • A Distribution Coordinator who works with other vol-unteers to hang posters before each concert and other promos as needed.

  • Graphics Designer who could lay out our posters and programs before each concert and collaborate with our webmasters. 

  • Historian, archiving memorabilia and publicity from all concerts and maintaining the digital historical record of artists from the beginning of Friends of Chamber Music. 

  • A charming Musicologist who is comfortable being interviewed on camera and on radio to promote the concerts.

  • Social Media Tweeter & Instagrammer who would be primarily responsible for our Twitter and Instagram presence and backup/proofreader for our FaceBook presence.

  • Web Researcher who will research the email addresses and deadlines for our list of various community calendars and public service announcements (which can be done from the comfort of your own home, office or library).  This task does not require a long-term commitment although we would love for you to be more involved.


Even if none of these specific positions are for you, we would love to have you as a member of the Publicity Committee.  There are many other ways to help and we laugh a lot while we figure out what they are!

Requirements for All Positions

All volunteers must:

  • be able to send and receive documents by email and text

  • commit to the position for a minimum of one concert season 

  • send us a short email describing any previous volunteering experience, list any relevant skills you have and the reason(s) you would like to be a FCM volunteer

Board members must also:

  • be able to attend Board meetings (usually quarterly  meetings plus event meetings prior to each concert) in Bryan or College Station

  • be financially literate

  • commit for a term of three years

  • attend the concerts 

  • chair a committee or serve on one or more committees


Use our Volunteer Form​​

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Mailing Address: 

Friends of Chamber Music

PO Box 4648, Bryan, TX 77805-4648



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  • YouTube

Friends of Chamber Music is a registered non-profit 501(c) (3) organization.

Your contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

©Friends of Chamber Music, Bryan-College Station, TX
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