Special Events
Whether you're enjoying one of the Friends of Chamber Music's dining events in the company of our guest artists, or meeting musicians at the post-concert reception, or joining our 'happy hour' gathering, you have an opportunity to interact with incredible performers, mingle with old friends, and make new ones.
Dinner With Daniel Hsu, Bronze Medalist of the 2017 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition | November 2019
Memorable Dining
These unforgettable dining events held at private residencies of our patrons offer unique opportunities for having personal one-on-one interactions and in-depth discussions with the guest artists and fellow supporters of the Friends of Chamber Music. ​
Film Series
Friends of Chamber Music Film Series was a unique multidisciplinary concept designed to introduce fresh perspectives on music and cinematograph and broaden cultural experiences of the Brazos Valley Community. In 2019-2020, a carefully selected film was shown a week prior to each concert of FCM series.
Just Off Stage
A tradition before the pandemic, casual after-concert receptions gave audience members an opportunity to chat with the guest musicians immediately following the performance.
Fun with Friends
In 2099, a week before the concert of the Queen's Six, an amazing a cappella ensemble from the British Royal Court, FCM had a party at the Queen Theatre in Downtown Bryan. And before that, there was a birthday party that we threw for William Rogers, FCM President Emeritus!